Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blog Re-post: '10 Tips to Form a Writing Routine' by Trish Loye Elliott at Wordbitches

Keeping in line with reigniting the creative life, I'm back to posting on writing, revising, publishing or just keeping your tuchas glued to the darn chair.

This week someone on my Redwood Writers listserv sent along "10 Tips to Form a Writing Routine," posted by Trish Loye Elliott ('a stay-at-home mom who drinks too much tea and tries to stay sane by writing down the crazy stories in her head'at the new-to-me blog Wordbitches. This small group of writers started the blog from a writing group to keep themselves accountable to their goals -- writing a minimum of 500 words daily. If you'd like to join in and report on your progress, let them know on Twitter using #wordbitches.

Here's a short recap of the 10 Tips list, but please click on the Wordbitches post to get the full details. Reply there if you have anything to add!

1. Make a Plan: What and When? It’s always easier to sit down to write if you know what you want to write...
2. Commit to Your Plan: This means you must make it a priority...
3. Dream Big: ... it helps to dream about what you one day want to accomplish. Whether that’s just seeing your draft finished or seeing your book stocked in the bookstore...
4. Session Goals: Each writing session should have a goal...
5. Find a Trigger: ... So to form a writing habit, we need a writing ritual... 
6. Start Slow: ... Have a small goal, say 200 words or fifteen minutes. 
7. Cut Down on Temptations: ... Figure out what tempts you away from your writing and cut it from your life...
8. Reward Yourself: ... If you have the discipline to write then you should reward yourself for getting those words on the page...
9. Find a Network: It’s always easier to start something new with a friend...
10. No Judgements: Do not be harsh with yourself. Don’t judge your writing or your writing routine. Don’t compare yourself to others...

1 comment:

Nicole R. Zimmerman said...

Two things I'd add, more as questions than answers:

1. Find or create the optimum writing space that works for you: office desk? stand-up desk? library? cafe? bookstore? community workspace? outdoor deck? (I'm still figuring out whether I write better with birds chirping or...)

2. Figure out a tracking system AND a way to hold yourself accountable to your goals: spreadsheet? lists? sticky notes? twitter? calling a friend?
(I just made a schedule of blog post ideas w/ links through October. This weekend I'll make a plan for my creative writing -- what to revise/submit and when...)

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